.S N=9 .S TL(11)=255 .L L,SNAKE-PIT .!DRAW ._ P .!CLRT .P "You are in a room with exits to the .P "right and left. Ahead you see a stone .P "platform. .$ P .I N1(10):1 .T !MORE .T P "The doorway behind the platform in .T P "front of you is open. .!HERE !LOOK .P "Above the platform you see strange .P "symbols carved on the wall. .I N1(10):1 .T !MORE .T P "The doorway behind the platform in .T P "front of you is open. %LOWA %REWA LOOK SYMBO READ SYMBO .!CLRT .P "The symbols are indecipherable. %LOEN %ATEN .P "The door behind you is immovable. .P "You must find another way out. %LOAL .!CLRT .P "Looking reveals nothing, perhaps a .P "thorough search might be in order. %L... .S GE(6)=0 .3 ROOM 10.0 .!TUNL %R... .S GE(6)=0 .3 ROOM 12.0 .!TUNL %FW.. %..EN .I N1(10):1 .T 3 ROOM 11.0 .T !GOTO .!INVD %SRAL %SRCK %LOCK .I N1(10)#1 .T P "You find a small crack in the wall. .T P "The crack is very even, perhaps a .T P "closely fitted door! .E P "You find nothing else. .S N0(10)=1 %SR.. .!CLRT .P "After searching for a while you find .P "nothing unusual. %PUEN %OPEN %PUCK %PUWA .I N0(10):0 .T P "The door behind you is closed and won't open. You must find another way out. .T J -4 .I N1(10):1 .T P "The door is already open. .T J -7 .P "After pushing and shoving for a while, .S N1(10)=1 .!DRAW ._ P .!CLRT .P "After pushing and shoving for a while, .P "the door opens revealing a dark passage. .$ P !DRAW .S P=3-P .C 1,P,0 .B RGHTL .S V=P .D .B SNKLF .S V=P .D .I N1(10):1 .B SNKDR .S V=P .T D .B SNKRT .S V=P .D @@@@@